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What is Counselling?

The provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems.

Counselling is the most common form of talking therapy. It can help Children and young people deal with issues and events and the effects they are having on their mental wellbeing. Counselling could be recommended for children and young people who are basically healthy but who are struggling with a mental health disorder or it can address problems with anxiety, identity issues, bereavement, bullying, anger, relationships, low self-esteem, and self-harm. Counsellors will help explore the problem, the symptoms and strategies for coping.  Description adapted from Young minds website; Counselling Services for Children and Young People (youngminds.org.uk)


Funded and part-funded Counselling

We are very proud to provide  counselling for children and young people  who wouldn’t normally have a chance to access help.   We work with friendly, approachable, fully qualified counsellors to  ensure support is available within familiar surroundings as soon as possible.

HELP as SOON As possible

We know that if we can assist early we can help to stop mental health problems becoming more serious. 
This also impacts positively with Children's future mental  wellbeing, giving them the ability to cope if they experience difficulties.

1 in 6

Approximately 1 in 6 children have a diagnosable mental health disorder, which means that approximately 6 children in every classroom need help


of children with a diagnosable mental health condition do not have access to the help they need.  A quarter of children that are referred to the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) are turned away and the others can wait  up to 10 months or more for appropriate help. 


"Can I take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU for funding Lisa to visit our school - she is wonderful!


Lisa Jones has been offering her Counselling support (funded by The Matthew Hackney Foundation), to our School for several years.  She is very friendly and is able to put children at ease, very quickly, with good results.  With mental health issues on the increase, her support has proved invaluable and I can't recommend her enough - thank you"


West Byfleet School

We have a small, limited pot of funding available for children & young people and their carers who do not have access to CAMHS or any other type of support.


Please complete this to apply for part-funded  counselling for a child or young person.  


This is aimed at Young People (who are no longer in education) or children who do not attend a school in which we already offer counselling support.  We also have limited funds to offer support to parents/carers if they find that their own mental health is affecting their children. 


Note that due to limited funding, the act of submitting this form does not automatically guarantee that counselling will be provided or that the service we offer would be appropriate for your needs or the needs of the young person concerned.

By completing and submitting this form, you are confirming that you are aged between 16 and 25 and self-referring OR that you are the parents or carer of a young person aged under 16 and you are giving consent for our qualified and checked counsellors, working on behalf of The Matthew Hackney Foundation, to carry out private counselling sessions online with the young person in your care. 


You are also confirming that you are happy for us to gather and store your email address, and for us to forward this to a qualified counsellor so that they can get in touch with you to discuss your counselling requirements and begin counselling if appropriate. We want to help if we can however, please be advised that counselling is not always the best option for all mental health conditions.


If you are under 16, then we will need to contact your parent or guardian in order to obtain their permission to enter into a counselling relationship with you.  Please note that anything discussed within counselling sessions will remain completely confidential, unless by law  where there is risk of harm to yourself or others, where there is a legal requirement (e.g. protection of children or prevention of terrorism), or where there is a significant threat to the health and safety of those within an organisation.


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